Home Page

Friday 27th April

Homework set: Friday 28th April 2023


Homework due: Wednesday 3rd May 2023 by 4pm


Dear Parents/Carers,


Clumber Class have had a wonderful week at school. They have been really enjoying their violin lessons. This week they learnt how to hold the violin correctly and play the notes; G, D, A and E. They have also been enjoying reading our class book, Ant Clancy Games Detective, and planning a persuasive letter in English. 



For your homework this week, I would like you to complete the prefix grammar worksheet..


Homework is due in on Wednesday 3rd May. 



Please continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week and record it in your child's diary. Each week your child will get sticker on their bookmark if they have read three times. 


Please can your child bring their reading book and reading diary to school everyday. Reading books will continue to be changed on a Friday.




I have been really impressed with the children's spellings this week. Its brilliant that they are going on Spelling Shed and practicing so please continue with this. They will be allocated spellings weekly and this website provides fun games to help them learn the words. Spellings will be tested the following Friday.


This weeks spellings: historically, basically, specifically, logically, magically, tragically, publicly, dramatically, automatically and frantically.


Here is the link to the website: 


Times Table Test

On a Friday, Clumber Class will be having a times table test. For this week, please can your child practice the 3, 4 and 8 times table ready for their test on Friday 5th May. Please try and encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstar to practice their times tables.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Miss Earle
