Hello Thoresby,
Just two more weeks to go until the summer.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you are putting in to the tasks, it is fabulous to see.
I know some of you were disappointed to miss the Acorn Theatre production this year, for those of you who would like to, there is a set of resources for you to use to create a mini-production at home. There are scripts, songs and dances for you to practise and perform. You might even like to film it! Have a look on Welbeck Class page under 'Performance Pack' for all the information.
Miss Hunter
Can you use each of these words in a sentence to help you learn their meaning?
privilege (noun)
meaning- a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
Can you write 5 sentences with the word privilege?
All children now have access to books at their book band level through Bug Club.
There are also a range of Maths, GPS and Science activities available on the ActiveLearn accounts.
Individual login's have been sent through Marvellous Me as well as the link to the login page, which can also be found here: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
This week I would like you to look at the daily lessons from one of the following,
All of these sites have produced really good lessons that are clear and easy to follow for the Year 4 curriculum - choose which ever one works best for you:
BBC Bitesize Daily lessons
The Oak National Academy
White Rose Activities