Please have a go at today's arithmetic task. You may take as long as you need on the questions.
This week in maths, we will be focusing on our new topic - Fractions.
For maths today, we will be learning how to make equal parts. Please watch the video and have a go at the worksheet
This week in English, we are going to re-write the 'Stone Age Boy'. Today, we are going to plan your story.
To re-write the Story of the Stone Age Boy, we need to think about how we can improve the story and make it more detailed and exciting. Today, we are going to think about adjectives, verbs, adverbs, exciting sentence starters, time conjunctions and key vocabulary that we could use to improve it.
You will need to use the worksheet to help you record all of your wonderful ideas.
Adjective: Describes a person, place or object (mysterious, unusual, terrifying).
Verb: Describes an action (running, crept, spiking)
Adverb: To describe the action (slowly, quietly, carefully)
Sentence Starter: An exciting sentence to hook the reader (In the middle of the ..., A moment later...)
Time conjunction: It tells the reader when something is happening (suddenly, meanwhile, eventually)
Key vocabulary: Important words or names from the Stone Age and the Stone Age Boy (Om, flint, animal skin)
Please re-read the Stone Age Boy. This will help you to think of the ideas to improve the story.
* Remember, you are not changing the events in the story, you are only adding in extra information.
For your computing task, I would like you to think like a Stone Age person.
Today, your computing task is on Purple Mash. I would like you to put yourself into the role of someone from the stone age. You can take a picture and then in the speech bubble, please write your thoughts and feelings.
Purple Mash:
This week, we will be learning about change in life. we will be watching and joining in with the video which includes different movements to develop your understanding.
Once you have completed the video, please have a go at one of these activities.
Activity 1: Draw a 'wheel of life' for a living thing. A 'wheel of life' are diagrams which illustrate the life cycles of different living things, such as: an apple tree, a butterfly, a frog, a bird, a rabbit.
Activity 2: Describe a human at different stages of their lives. Think about how you would describe them? What do they do different?
Senior Citizen
Last week, you completed a lesson about contractions. A contraction is when two words contract to make one word. In between the contracted words, you also need to place an apostrophe.
Please watch the video to remember the different contractions. After, please complete the worksheet.