Hello Clumber Class,
I hope everyone is safe and well. I have seen lots of fantastic work on Purple Mash and that you are still practicing your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars. You should all be so proud of yourselves with how hard you are working at home.
It has been lovely to see photos of some of the excellent pieces of work you have been completing at home. I have been adding some of the photos onto the gallery section of the school website. Please keep emailing your photos to the school office email address.
This week I have put new resources on our Class page for you to have a look at, including Bug Club. I will also continue to add weekly Maths, English and spelling tasks for the children who are not able to access Purple Mass.
Keep up the great work.
Take care,
Miss Earle
White Rose Hub have created a home learning section which includes 5 maths lessons. The children can watch the 5 minute video explaining the task and then complete the work sheet. They are providing 5 lessons per week which follows the Year 3 curriculum.
This week I would like you to either cook or bake something with your family. Please write a recipe of what you have made. It needs to include the ingredients, equipment and method. Remember you are writing a set of instructions, so they need to be clear and precise.
You can email any photos of yourself baking or your recipes to the School email address.
All children now have access to reading books on their book band level through Bug Club. Individual login's have been sent through MarvellousMe as well as the link to the login page, which can also be found here:
Meaning- dull or bleak
Sentence- The picnic was cancelled due to the dreary weather.
Can you write five sentences with our Word of the Week?
BBC Bitesize have created daily lessons for the children to do which follow the Year 3 curriculum. They include daily maths and English lessons and 1 topic lesson.
Similar to White Rose Maths, Oak National Academy have designed an online classroom where they are uploading a range of lessons each week tailored towards the year 3 curriculum. These include 5 English and Maths lessons and a range of foundation subjects including Science, History and Modern Foreign Languages. This may be a resource that you would like to use at home throughout the next couple of weeks.
Natre is a website where you will find free resources and activities to complete during this home learning period. It covers a range of aspects relating to Religious Education and has lots of fun activities for the children to do.