Hello Thoresby,
I hope you have had a lovely half term and have been enjoying the fabulous weather.
We are now starting our new topic, Extreme Earth. We will be looking at lots of different things to do with our planet, Earth, including how volcanoes are made, animals and their habitats, The Arctic and Antarctic, the water cycle and lots more.
Remember to check Purple Mash daily, as well as using the tasks here on the website.
I look forward to seeing more of your fabulous work.
Miss Hunter
All children now have access to books at their book band level through Bug Club.
Individual login's have been sent through Marvellous Me as well as the link to the login page, which can also be found here: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
This week I would like you to look at the daily lessons from one of the following,
All of these sites have produced really good lessons that are clear and easy to follow for the Year 4 curriculum - choose which ever one works best for you:
BBC Bitesize Daily lessons
The Oak National Academy
White Rose Activities
This week I would like you to have a go at writing different types of poems.
You could try ones that rhyme or ones that don't.
It could be a nonsense poem, an acrostic poem or something with specific numbers of syllables like a haiku.
These could be on any topic you like and any amount of verses.
Can you use each of these words in a sentence to help you learn the meanings?
Meaning- dull or bleak
Sentence- The picnic was cancelled due to the dreary weather.
Can you write five sentences with our Word of the Week?