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Friday 16th October

Thank you to all of the children who completed last week's homework task so brilliantly. The homework over half term is to make sure you are caught up with all Purple Mash tasks, that you have read on Bug Club and that you have accessed Times Tables Rockstars as much as you can. 


When we return from the half term break, it would be great to know that every child can access these systems and are comfortable with them. That way, everyone can keep on track using this new way of learning at home. 


If you have any problems accessing any of these systems, please contact the office and we will try to rectify any issues. 


I can't stress enough the importance of keeping on top of the home learning set. It is a good chance to consolidate learning we have done in class and is the best way to identify whether you are secure with a topic or not. As we have lots of catching up to do in class alongside our usual Year 4 learning, working at home will be really beneficial. Reading is also an excellent way of learning about a variety of topics and we need to work hard on both fluency and comprehension. Remember to discuss what you have read and make inferences if you can. Reading outside of Bug Club is brilliant, but make sure you also read some of the books on there as these are set for each individual reading ability and will help when it comes to the reading benchmark assessments. 


Thank you for all of your support so far. 

Miss Phillipson 
