Today, we will be doing our weekly spelling test. I have filmed the spelling test for your so you can complete it at home. Please take a picture of your test and send it to Clumber's email, so I can add it to your spelling records.
Today, we will be doing our weekly times table test. I have filmed the test for your so you can complete it at home. Please take a picture of your test and send it to Clumber's email, so I can add it to your times table test records.
For maths today, we will be at questions involving 'how many ways?'. The questions will involve the different ways you can show a multiplication, addition, subtraction and division. This is very similar to work we have already completed at school
Please watch the video which explains the how to answer the questions and then complete the worksheet. You will need a pencil, a piece of paper and the worksheet.
For your Big Write this week, you can choose the type of poem to write. This week we have been learning about Kenning poems and Haiku Poems. I would like you to pick one of these poems to write for your big write.
If you choose a Kenning poem, you will need to write 8 lines. If you chose a Haiku poem, you will need to write 3 different Haiku poems.
You can choose any animal or place. Try to be creative!
If you can't remember the two types of poems. The videos are below.
In RE we are learning about the Islam faith.
For our RE task today, we will be learning about special places. Please read the PowerPoint about special places.
After, please create your own model of a Mosque using a range of materials. Then use the labels to label the different features of a mosque.