Phonics focus of the day - 6th July, 2020 -
Today we are going to look at words with split digraphs in them, which means you have to be extra good at spotting them, put on your super digraph spotting glasses! We have looked at these before. Always try and read along the word and spot that magic 'E' on the end of a word.
If a grown up writes these words can you read them? - pancake, mistake, inflate, translate, landscape, escape, invade, explode, suppose, tadpole, console, trombone, backbone, trapeze, athlete, concrete, complete.
Phonics focus of the day - 7th July, 2020 -
Today we are going to look at words with the 'oo' sound in them - I would like you to also revise all the other spelling choices for this sound - 'ew' 'ui' 'ue'
If a grown up writes these words can you read them? - new, few, brew, stew, threw, drew, crew, blue, clue, true, rescue, avenue, fruit, suit, bruise, juice, cruise.
She had fruit juice in the morning.
I will continue with my cruise next year.
Can you pass me a blue tissue please?
What is the true value of this statue?
She came to my rescue but I now have a big bruise.
Phonics focus of the day - 8th July, 2020 -
Today we are going to look at words with the 'oi/oy' sound in them - I would like you to revise this.
If a grown up writes these words can you read them? - oil, boil, coil, soil, foil, spoil, voice, coin, joint, point, boiling, spoiling, spoiled, coiled, jointed, pointing, toilet, joy, boy, soya, toys, destroyed, enjoying, loyal , royal, annoying.
I will point to the poisoned drink.
The oil is boiling over.
I did not enjoy the long voyage.
Roy enjoyed eating oysters.
An oil spill will poison the fish.
Phonics focus of the day - 9th July, 2020 -
Today we are going to look at words with the 'ow/ou' sound in them - I would like you to revise this.
If a grown up writes these words can you read them? - clouds, loudly, proud, grounded, bounding, rounders, pounds, sounding, cow, bows, how, now, eyebrow, brown, clowns, frowned, flowers, powers, cowboy, powder.
There was loud sound in the house.
A mouse ran up my trousers.
The hound is bounding about.
I can see a clown picking some flowers.
He is proud of brown cow.
You must bow when the queen puts on her crown.
Phonics focus of the day - 10th July, 2020 -
Today we are going to look at words with the 'ph' sound in them - I would like you to revise this.
If a grown up writes these words can you read them? - phone, photo, phonics, phrase, phobia, phantom, dolphin, elephant, alphabet, paragraph, nephew, pamphlet, graph.