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We have been thinking about how we now belong to a new class which includes children we might not have been in a class with before! We have thought about how important it is to belong to something and the feelings that a sense of belonging bring. We discussed the feelings of safety and security and how our friends bring us happiness and improve our confidence.

In Year 2, we have been learning about the qualities that make a good friend. Following lots of group discussion, we decided that some of these qualities included being 'helpful', 'kind', 'honest' and 'respectful' and we thought carefully about people we know who have these qualities. 


Following this, we discovered more strategies on how to deal with conflict between friends and how we can resolve issues. We thought about how we might ask a grown up to help or apologise to a friend. We made posters that we will display around the classroom to remind us of the strategies we can use should any conflicts arise. 

In Year 1, we have been learning all about respect and what it means. We have been thinking of ways we show respect and how we can be respectful to those around us. We listened to the story of 'Chrysanthemum' and discussed how she was feeling during different parts of the story, thinking carefully about how the actions of others can affect how we are feeling. We looked at some of Chrysanthemum's expressions and discussed whether she felt respected or disrespected during each of her experiences.

As a class, we have been thinking about permission and what it means when someone says 'yes' or 'no'. We looked at some different scenarios and thought about how we could respond in those situations. We learnt that when someone says 'yes' it means that we are allowed to do what we have asked, but discussed how it is much more effective when we ask politely rather than shouting or getting upset about it first. 
