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Welbeck Class

Welcome to Welbeck Class


Reading: To identify and describe the style of an author or poet.
Writing: To use well chosen words including figurative language.
Maths: To be able to divide different numbers (large and small)

Welcome to Welbeck class 2012-13. I am Mr. Delafield, the class teacher.

Achievements out of School

Amy has had a big success in the showing ring with her pony, "Eric Cantona." Throughout the season she gained points and won: Overall ridden champion; good horesemanship and sportsmanship; Ridden Open.
She also came second in dressage and third in Inhand Veteran. She had some help from her mum and riding instructor. She is proud of Eric. And we are proud of her.


This half term the children have chosen to learn about ‘decades’. Each week we will be focussing on a different decade, looking at events in history, the music and the fashion. To finish this topic we will be having a dance party, where children can come dressed in their favourite fashion from the past, and dance along to a play list they will select from during music.


In Literacy we will be looking at poetry and report writing, focussing on writing reports about the decade we are studying. In Numeracy we will be focussing on investigative skills.


PSHCE will be about changes, and how to prepare for the next school year. In French we will be learning how to write French. In ICT we will be continuing to learn about data logging, recording and measuring information. In Science we will be investigating science linked to each decade, for example when looking at the 1960s we will try and launch a rocket!


Our RE work will look at different codes for living, both in Christianity and other World Religions.


Important dates
Monday 10th June – Airborne Education – car project day 2.
Wednesday 12th June – Summer Fair
Tuesday 25th June – Sports’ Day
Wednesday 17th July – Prom
Monday 22nd July – Leavers’ Assembly


As always I am available to discuss any comments or concerns. See me on the yard for a quick chat or make an appointment for a longer conversation should you wish to.