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I have uploaded a couple of assessments for you to complete as we have come to the end of the half term - there is one on fractions and one on area and perimeter. There may be some topics on each test that we have not covered yet, so don't worry and just try your best. Have a look at the answers afterwards to mark your test and give yourself a score. Let me know how you get on smiley



Today's task is to film yourself making a radio style advert for your new chocolate bar! Think about the vocabulary you will need to use and the tone of your voice in order to sell your product to the listener. We would normally do this task in groups if we were in school, so feel free to rope in others to help you! 


If you feel like this task is too much for you and you would prefer not to be filmed, you could send an audio clip of your advert or a written paragraph of what you would say instead. 


Let me know if you need anything! Send to



Thursday's GPS task is to combine our weekly grammar focus with our spelling words. This week's grammar focus is different tenses - you can go back to Tuesday's video if you need to refresh your memory on these. 


1. Write 3 sentences that include both a spelling word and a range of tenses. 

2. Write 4 sentences that include at least one spelling word (try two!) and a range of tenses. 

3. Write a paragraph linking all of the spelling words together and including a range of different tenses. Then, highlight the spelling words you have used either by underlining the words or using a highlighter - remember accurate punctuation!



Time to do some exercise! You can have a go at one of the links I have uploaded below or you could do your own exercise. This could be going for a walk or run, dancing or anything else you can think of that gets your heart rate increasing! 
