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Week beginning 16/11/20


For Maths, children are going to be looking at sequences.Think about what a sequence is. If you think about multiples of 10, what do they all end in? What happens if you added 10 on to 3 and counted up in tens from there, what sequence would you have? Complete the green sheet and mental arithmetic.



For Literacy, children are going to be planning their diary entry. Children need to think from the perspective of a child during the Great Fire of London. Think about your five senses when planning your diary entry. What can you smell, hear, taste, touch and see? Plan your diary entry into different sections. For your introduction, think about how you're going to introduce your diary entry. Remember, you need to start with Dear Diary and put the date.



In Science, we are looking at growing and changing. First complete the starter activity where you need to order the pictures and write what the pictures show, for example the elderly. Next, view the powerpoint together, discuss how we change throughout our life from a child to an elderly person. Complete the booklet. Your child needs to draw a picture to show a baby for example. Then, they need to stick the correct description underneath which is attached on a different document.

Tuesday 17th November

For Maths, we are looking at odd and even numbers. Go through the powerpoint and see if you can identify the odd and even numbers. Complete the sheet afterwards.


For Literacy, please write an introduction to your diary entry. Think about what needs to be included in an introduction. You need to open it up with 'Dear Diary' and speak in first person.


For topic, we are looking at how we know all about the Great Fire of London. What sources help us find facts out about London? Please look at the sheet and cut out the pictures and stick on to the other sheet in the correct place.

Wednesday 18th November

In Maths today, we are looking at findings fractions of shapes. Go through the Power Point and look at how we can find 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of a shape. Complete the green sheet afterwards.


In Literacy, please continue with your diary entry now. We are now on the main part. Think about what is happening, what can you see, hear, smell, taste and touch?


In R.E, we are looking at the story behind stained glass windows. Look at the powerpoint and think about the stories they can tell. Create your own stained glass window design on your sheet.

In Big Write, I would like you to write a story all about dragons. What could happen in your story? I would like you to imagine you are taken on a dragon ride. Where is the dragon going to take you? What will you see and hear up in the sky? How are you feeling? Remember to use capital letters and full stops.


For Maths, we are looking at doubling numbers. Please complete the mental arithmetic first and then complete the powerpoint. Look at how we double numbers and then complete green sheet.


For computing, I would like you to create a powerpoint all about the Great Fire of London. Please list some interesting facts and include some pictures!

In Maths, we are recapping doubling numbers. Practise the method shown. Can you partition the numbers first and then double them to get the answer? Play the game with a grown up.


Complete the two star reading comprehension all about Antarctica. Highlight all the important parts that you think will help answer your questions.


For Literacy, I would like you to review your diary entry. Think about how you could improve it? What could you include? Capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks, paragraphs, adjectives and similes.
