Rule: word families based on common words, showing home words are related in form and meaning.
Practise spelling these words daily ready for our spelling test on Friday.
Today, I would like you to follow the link below to access work on how to relative clauses . You will also be learning about the banana frog. Remember to watch the video before completing the tabs marked the grammar bit and whiteboard challenges. If you would like to challenge yourself further you can continue with the writing ideas. I am looking forward to seeing the work that you produce.
- Who is Rosie?
- Can you remember the character of Rosie from chapter 3:
- What is her importance?
Work through the PowerPoint focusing on when Jim sees Rosie again.
- What do you think might have happened to Rosie the night after Jim's mother arrived?
- Why did Rosie and Judd lose their jobs?
- What questions might Jim have for Rosie?
Activity: Write a list of questions that Jim might have for Rosie. Remember Rosie knew Jim's mother so he might have questions about his ma or he might have questions to ask about his sisters. Try to think of at least 7 questions.
Starter- Complete the mental arithmetic questions. Set yourself a timer of 10 minutes to try and complete as many questions as you can. Remember to use the methods that you have learnt about in school.
Introduction: This week we are going to be focusing on statistics.
Today we are going to be learning to find the mean.
- How might we do that?
- What is the mean?
The mean is the average of a set of given numbers. We are going to be learning how to find the mean.
Work through the PowerPoint and listen to the audio clips to help you. Once you have done that try the activity. If you are feeling confident with finding the mean try the challenge activity.
This week we are continuing to learn to code. I have set some work for you on Purplemash. Please watch the video first for your learning and instructions.
This week we are continuing our work about human rights. Today we learn about the views of Humanists. Look through the PowerPoint and answer the questions on the worksheet.