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Week Beginning 20th April

Hello Thoresby Class, 


I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your Easter holiday. I'm sure many of you will have been out enjoying the sunshine in your gardens'. It has been nice to see that so many of you have still been using Purple Mash and you will now find new 2Do's have been set for you, as well as a new blog post. I have really enjoyed reading your responses to our blogs and it has been nice to see you leaving comments for each other as well. 


Our new topic for this half term is Fabulous Fashion and we will be looking in History at World War 2, in particular what life was like in our country during that time and the different fashions and uniforms that were worn. Each week I will set new topic tasks so remember to keep checking for new activities. 


I have loved seeing some of your photos of pieces of work you have completed, these can be uploaded to your own folders on Purple Mash or emailed to school to we can keep adding your fantastic projects to our class gallery. 


You may also like to have a look at the BBC Bitesize daily lessons and activities (these look like they are particularly good for GPS) or The Oak National Academy daily lessons (these look like the have some good reading comprehensions as well as Maths). Links can be found on our Useful Websites section.


Keep safe everyone.

Weekly Maths Tasks


White Rose Hub have created a home learning section which includes 5 maths lessons. The children can watch the 5 minute video explaining the task and then complete the work sheet. They are providing 5 lessons per week which follows the Year 4 curriculum.  


Weekly Writing Task


Can you write a diary over the next 5 days explaining what you have been up to and your thoughts and feelings?


Please try to include our Year 4 grammar and the important features of a diary entry. You will need to write in paragraphs and include as many adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions as you can. Remember to write in past tense, using first person and try to include fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses to make your sentences more exciting. 


Please practice these spellings using the prefix inter-











Weekly Topic Activities

Please find attached this week's topic tasks for our new theme: Fabulous Fashion.


Word of the Week


Empathy (noun)


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


“The reader empathises with the character as we learn about their misfortunate past”


Can you write 5 sentences with the word empathy?
