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Week Beginning 30th March

Week 2

I hope everyone is well after our first week. 


This week, remember to keep using your paper packs as well as looking at some of the new topic activities - these now have some pictures and links to help and remember you can always use Purple Mash to ask questions if you need.


Purple Mash

Please keep checking Purple Mash, I have really enjoyed looking at your work so far and have sent comments back. New work has been set in your 2Do's as well as a new blog post. 

Remember if you are stuck, you can submit your work with a question and I will try to help.


I have also seen some of you have been using Times Tables Rockstars and trying some of the other links. 



Please practise these spellings this week: 

Word families

solve                      sign

solution                  signature

insoluble                assign

dissolve                 design

solvent                   signal


Well done everyone, 

Keep safe. 
