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Week beginning 28th September



Take a look at some of the finished drawings inspired by Aztec art. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating their designs and have spent hours perfecting the patterns. 

Aztec Art


In Maths we have been learning to find the missing angles in shapes. We have been following instructions to draw a range of parallelograms with different internal angles. 



In English we have been learning about the author Michael Morpurgo. We have been learning about his early life and why he decided to be an author. We have also started reading one of his books 'The Giants Necklace'. 



In Science we have been looking at fossils and skeletons to determine how animals have adapted over the last 500 years. The children were fantastic at recognising the differences and we had an incredible discussion about evolution. 



This week we have been learning about Aztec Gods and Goddesses and have learnt about why they were important. The children looked at pictures of what the Gods were believed to have looked like and have created some excellent art. I am looking forward to uploading photos of the work soon. 
