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Today we are continuing to calculate fractions of an amount, now working with some larger numbers. 

Please watch the video and follow the PowerPoint before answering the questions.


Think about the events of Chapter 4. Akimbo now has to look after a lion cub. 

I would like you to research how we take care of lion cubs and write a set of instructions to explain this. 

Think about the features of instructions and how you might choose to present this. 

Remember to use a range of different imperative verbs to start your sentences. 


In GPS lessons this week we are going to be looking at using the prefixes de- dis- and mis-

Please use the Presentation to help you complete the tasks for each day through the week. 


In Geography today we are going to start looking at different time zones around the world. 

Have a look at the PowerPoint then use the sheet to help complete your task. 
