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Bottle Greenhouses! 


This half term, our project is to create a mini bottle greenhouse, where we are going to be planting some seeds and hopefully growing a plant! We are working in small groups to design the best greenhouse for our seeds and have thought carefully about what materials we will need for the project. We have completed the design stage and have each decided on a method we will use when we are creating. 


This week, we are creating our bottle greenhouses! Thank you so much to all who brought in bottles for us to use smiley. We are following our design criteria that we have each made in our groups and have been able to successfully create some greenhouses! We hope that these will produce some lovely plants and we will be able to take them home over the Easter holidays to give them maximum chance of survival. 


We then evaluated our projects as a group - what worked well? What could have gone better? What would we change if we were to complete the project again? 
