We have been learning about being part of a group and how this makes us feel in our PSHE lesson this week. We discussed the groups that we are part of and shared those such as gymnastics, football and Rainbows. We then also realised that we are part of other groups - Rufford Class, St Luke's School and our families. We thought about what people within a group have in common, for example they may wear the same uniform or have the same interests. We discussed how being part of a group feels and generated words such as 'safe', 'welcome', 'free' and 'happy'.
This week, we have moved on to think about what rights and responsibilities are and the rights and responsibilities we have when we are part of a group or within the community. We thought carefully about what our rights are when we are at school, and what is expected of us in return. We then moved on to looking at the UN Rights of a Child and discussed how these are different to the rights we had discussed at the start of the lesson.
We have now moved on to learning more about money - how we earn it and how we look after it! We talked about what we already knew about money before we started the lesson and then learnt more about what we didn't know. We talked about how we earn money by doing chores at home and then, as we get older, we get jobs in order to earn. We also learnt about paying tax and how we can spend the money that we have left. We learnt that we can use a bank card or cash in order to pay for things, and we discussed the risks of paying for things online using our bank details. We then met the Jackson family through an interactive game and thought about how each member of the family earnt money in order to pay for the things they want and need!