Welcome to Welbeck Class, this year the children have picked some fantastic topics for us to cover and I am really excited about all the amazing learning opportunities that we'll have throughout 2018-19.
This term we have PE on Wednesdays, so please make sure that your child has the correct PE kit with them on these days. We are also now going swimming on Thursday mornings, so similarly please ensure that they have the correct things with them.
Homework will continue as before, so will be handed out each Friday to be collected in the following Thursday. Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday, although the children should have these with them every day, as it helps us to track when they read in school as well as when they read at home.
I am a big believer that reading every day can make a huge impact on a child’s education, and I cannot encourage you enough to find a little bit of time each day to read with your children. If you find that your child is struggling to engage with this, pop in and see me and we’ll see if I can recommend a book that will hopefully kick start their love of reading.
If you ever have any worries or concerns, please pop in and see me.
Mr Coles
During the week commencing 13th May, 2019 our Year 6's will be sitting their SATs. They have been working hard all year, and this is their chance to show off what they can do.
Remember - a little bit of nerves is okay. I'm not sure you can really perform to your best unless you're a little bit nervous, but if this is starting to make your child ill or they are losing sleep please reassure them not to worry, and let me know so that I can too.
There are lots of things that do the rounds this time of year saying things like, "SATS don't measure how wonderful you are" - and this is true. All I'll add is that if you can come out of the tests saying, "I did my best!" then that's all you need.
However your children do in the test, I am proud of them.
Mr Coles
Here are some useful websites to use this year:
Acorn Theatre
Rehearsals are underway for our production of 'Splash' at the Acorn Theatre. Please keep practicing those lines and songs at home!
Over the Christmas holidays the elves have been busy revamping our reading area in Welbeck class. We now have a lovely space in our classroom, where the children can sit and read for pleasure.
We are also running a 'Get Caught Reading' scheme. So, our Welbeck pupils are going to be trying hard to get pictures of themselves reading in odd places which they can then send in to school to be put on our display.
We've started our topic on the English Civil War!!!
The children have been enjoying learning about the lead up to the war, and in particular they have been doing research on the man himself, King Charles!
Most of the class chose to present their research as a powerpoint, but a couple of our girls wanted to create a poster - so I've put a picture of these below.