Dear Parents, Carers and Children,
Welcome to Rufford Class, I hope you are looking forward to the next academic year. My name is Miss Marsh and I am the class teacher for Year 1/2. We are also lucky to have Ms Green working with us this year!
We will be covering a range of exciting and interesting topics this year. Our first topic is all about dinosaurs. We will be completing lots of fun activities and finding out about the past!
As well as Dinosaurs, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London, Superheroes, Space, Toys, Australia and Fairy tales over the academic year. Every topic will have a learning overview that will be shared with parents and carers.
Lining up:
In the morning, could Rufford Class children please line up against the wall on the back playground. Our classroom is where Thoresby class used to be.
From Year 2 upwards, we will now be following a new scheme to teach spellings in school. Due to this, we will no longer be sending spellings home to learn for a test each week. If you would like any further information about why this is, or the new scheme we will be following, please follow the link to a video from the scheme's author.
Reading Books
Reading will continue as before. Children will be given a book and will be expected to read at least three times in a week. Books will be changed on a Monday. When children read three times a week they will receive a stamp on their Reading Ranger bookmark. The online reading log will need to be filled in each week by grown-ups to confirm that children have read three times that week. This will be accessed in the same way through the school website. This log also provides an opportunity for you to share how your child has found the book through a series of questions and a comment box.
On the 7th of September the children will be participating in Drumba! Children will need to come in their P.E kits please. These sessions are going to continue for 6 weeks every Tuesday.
PE will start on Thursday the 2nd of September.Rufford classes PE day will be on a Wednesday and Thursday with Tony. You should come to school wearing the appropriate sports clothing for P.E on this day. You do not need to bring your uniform.
Homework will be available on the class webpage on a Friday and the hand in date will be the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on work that the children have been doing in class. This could be through a task on Purple Mash or work that can be done on paper and then photographed and emailed to
School Bags and Pencil Cases
Children are welcome to their own school bags and pencil cases to school this year, however children will need to be aware of and responsible for their own items of stationary. We will have everything they need for lessons in school, so the use of a personal pencil case is entirely optional.
Outside the classroom, we have a cloakroom area where children can hang up their coats. Please only bring what you need for the day, as the cloakroom is small and also to minimise the amount of personal items we have in class.
I am really looking forward to having discussions and getting to know the children and grown ups on the playground. If you have any worries or concerns and would like to talk to me about them we can chat outside before or after school or you can email me directly on the class email address. Longer meetings can be arranged after school if necessary.
Please feel free to email if you have any other questions or queries.
Miss Marsh.