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Week beginning 9th November

Monday 9th November 2020



Today we are learning to multiply two numbers using the grid method. Use the link below to help you understand how to complete the questions. 





Last week we started to look at advertisements and how a product is advertised to a customer. Today you are doing to design your own product. It could be a new toy, piece of technology or car etc. I would like you to draw a detailed drawing of your new product and label it. 


In Computing we are going to continue to learn about jingles. Use the PowerPoint to learn additional information about what jingles are and then create your own.

Please let me know if you have any difficulties with this. 

Religious Education

Use the PowerPoint to learn what happens during a Holy Communion and Eucharist service. 

Please can work be emailed to the class email address:

Tuesday 10th November 2020



Today in Maths we are learning to use the bus stop method to divide a number. Use the video below as a reminder of how to complete this method. Then complete the worksheet.



Yesterday we started designing our own product. Today, I would like you to write a catchy slogan and jingle for your product. The jingle should be around 4 lines long and should be catchy. Can you make it rhyme?




Last week we started learning about the digestive system. We used the videos from the BBC bitesize website to understand the process of digestion. I have posted the link below for the videos if you would like to refresh your memory. Today, I would like you to investigate the impact that healthy and unhealthy food has on the digestive system and identify which foods are good for our digestive system and why. 


Complete the reading comprehension on Usain Bolt. Remember to write in full sentences. 

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Wednesday 11th November 2020



I would like you to write a Remembrance Poem. Please think about why we mark Remembrance Day and think about what it represents. Try to include the following

  • a range of sentence starters
  • adjectives
  • similes
  • metaphors
  • noun phrases
  • rhyming words
  • 3 verses


I am looking forward to seeing your finished poem. 


We are starting to learn how to complete the long division method. Use the video link to help you complete the activity.



Use a medium of your choice to create a piece of art focusing on Remembrance Day. You may choose to create something similar to the artwork below. 


Please can all work be emailed to

Thursday 12th November 2020



Today we are going to continue with our work on long division. Continue using the sheet provided yesterday.



Yesterday you were asked to create a piece of art based on Remembrance Day. Today, I would like you to write a description from the perspective of a soldier about to serve in the war. Think about:

- what you imagine they would see

- what you imagine they would smell

- what you imagine they would hear


Try to include lots of powerful descriptive adjectives. 



Complete the reading comprehension below. 

Friday 13th November 2020



Write a letter from the perspective of a solider in the war. Think about who they might write to and what they might say in the letter. 



Use Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables.


Children in Need

Use the following website to complete some Children in Needs crafts
