Hello Welbeck Class, Parents and Carers,
Swimming will take place next week and it is important to remember that all children in Y6 should leave school able to swim 25m front stroke and back stroke. We have seen great improvements in the children's swimming abilities since starting in September and the instructors have been so impressed with the children's politeness, team work and determination to succeed. Next week the children will need to bring a long sleeved top and trousers/leggings or pyjamas to their swimming lesson as well as their usual swimming kit. Please make sure that these clothes are put in the children's bags for them to change in to before their swimming lesson.
Homework- Please complete the maths activity comparing fractions, decimals and percentages.
Reading- Next week is National Storytelling Week and as a class we regularly share a story in school. We are currently reading 'running on the roof of the world' by Jess Butterworth. Over the week, please encourage your child to be reading at home; they may choose to read a book that they own or they can borrow a book off of the class book shelf. Please note in their diaries what your child is reading and ensure that three comments are written in before Monday.
As always please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Tomlinson