Welcome back after the half term break, I hope you all had a lovely holiday.
We have got another very busy and exciting few weeks in The Sunshine Suite. Our new topic of Autumn Watch will involve lots of work outdoors in our new eco-garden learning environment. We will look at the changing seasons and the effect this has on nature.
One of our main focuses will be thinking about how to encourage wildlife into the eco-garden and observing just what visitors we manage to attract.
We also have our new raised planting beds within the eco-garden so we can get busy again planting some winter vegetable seeds and spring flowering bulbs.
There are lots of important celebrations and festivals taking place over the coming weeks including Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and of course Christmas. We will look at these important dates and the history behind them. How is Diwali celebrated and by who? How is Christmas celebrated around the world?
We will also find time each week for artwork, cookery, sports and ICT.
I know we will have a lovely time together working as a group, helping each other and sharing with our friends.