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Week Beginning 18th May

Hello Thoresby, 


This week is Share a Pencil Day as well as the Thy Kingdom Come event. 

Links to explain these events and resources for you to try at home this week are below. 

Keep safe everyone. 


Bug Club

All children now have access to books at their book band level through Bug Club. 

Individual login's have been sent through Marvellous Me as well as the link to the login page, which can also be found here: 

Weekly Topic Tasks

Weekly Writing Task

This week, have a go at writing a story set in the past, you might choose to write as a character during World War 2, or you might choose a different period of history that you have enjoyed. 

Think about the settings you will use and how you will show the period of time you are writing in. 

Think about an introduction, your characters, a problem or dilemma that happens and how your characters will solve this problem. Remember to give your story an ending and write using paragraphs. Try to include the word of the week too!













Can you use each of this week's spellings in a sentence?

Word of the Week




'walking in a relaxed speed'.


E.g. Whilst waiting for their flight, they went for a saunter around the airport. 


Can you write 5 sentences with our word of the week?

Weekly Maths Tasks

This week I would like you to look at the daily lessons from one of the following, 

All of these sites have produced really good lessons that are clear and easy to follow for the Year 4 curriculum - choose which ever one works best for you:


BBC Bitesize Daily lessons


The Oak National Academy 


White Rose Activities 

Wednesday 20th May - Share A Pencil Day 

Thy Kingdom Come, 21st May


These are some good prayer activities for you to complete for the Thy Kingdom Come event on the 21st of May. See the link and document below.
