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Clumber Class




Clumber Class have really enjoyed their mindfulness activities this week. On Thursday morning the children made their own calming jars with water, glue, glitter and food colouring.



World Book Day!


The children had a great day dressing as their favourite book character for World Book Day. The all took part in a book swap reading activity , which involved the children bringing their favourite book to school and swapping it with their friend to read.

First Week Back!


Clumber Class have had a great first week back at school. They are really enjoying our new book 'The Twits' and using a thesaurus to find powerful adjectives. 

Stone Age Houses!

Stone Age Music!


The Stone Age!

Clumber Class have had a great first week back at school. Our topic for this term is the Stone Age and we have been creating our own cave art.

Christmas Donations!


We have decided that we will be donating some of the money raised at our class performance to charity. We will be donating £28.87 to Crisis in order to reserve a place for a homeless person at one of their centres and also £15 to the RSPCA to provide the animals with blankets, toys and treats!


The children were absolutely amazing in their nativity and they should all be very proud of themselves. They rehearsed hard and the costumes looked fantastic. We also raised £97 for our class fund!



Jingle Jog!


This half term we have been learning about the UK. This week we used an atlas to find hills and mountains in the UK.

Our Remembrance Poppies!

Diwali Lanterns!


Clumber Class have had a great first week back at school! This week we have been learning about Diwali. We designed our own Rangoli patterns and then we create a lantern. Our lanterns have been put on display in our classroom.

Harvest Vegetables!

For our Harvest service at church, we made Harvest vegetables using tissue paper.

Our Robin Hood Hat!


We have really enjoyed making our own Robin Hood hats. We painted our hats and made our own feathers. 

Baking Shortbread Bears!


We have had a great time baking for our class contribution to the school's Macmillan Cancer Support baking event to raise money. We hope you enjoy our shortbread!

Measuring Forces!

Our First Week!


We have had a great first week in Clumber Class. We have been looking at place value and partitioning three digit numbers in Maths. In Literacy, we have been reading a book called ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ and created story boards about how Robin Hood met Little John.


Please make sure your child is reading at least three times a week with you at home. Reading books will be changed on a Monday, so the children will have a fresh book for the week ahead.



Dear Parents, Carers and Children,


Welcome to Clumber Class, I hope you are looking forward to the next academic year. My name is Miss Earle and I am the class teacher for Year 3. We will also have Miss Halpin and Mrs Green working with us to support the children during the week.


We will be covering a range of exciting and interesting topics this year. Our first topic will be Myths and Legends where we will learn about the legend of Robin Hood and the myth Pandora’s Box.


As well as Myths and Legends, we will be learning about Our Wonderful World, the Stone Age, Nature, Volcanoes and the Romans over the academic year. Every topic will have a learning overview that will be shared with parents and carers.


Clumber class PE days will be on Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that children have the appropriate clothing and footwear because some of our lessons will be outdoors. It is recommended that children have their PE kit in school all week.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and collected on a Wednesday.  The homework will be based on what we have been learning that week or researching the next topic. Spellings will also be given out on a Wednesday and the children will be tested on these the following Wednesday.


Children are expected to read at least three times a week and this should be recorded in their reading diary. Their books will be changed on a Monday and stickers will be given to the children who have read the required amount. Once six stamps have been collected, they will receive a prize and move onto the next bookmark.


In Clumber Class, the children will be running a healthy tuck shop. A drink and a snack will cost 50p or if you want to buy an item separately, they will cost 30p.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you or your child has any issues or concerns in the next year.


Yours sincerely,


Miss K. Earle
