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Today we are looking back and recapping our learning of statistics. We learnt a lot about different graphs and the features of these, but this lesson will give you a chance to solidify your understanding of comparing different sets of data. 


Please watch the video and then have a go at the worksheet. The answers are there too so you can check and see how well you did! 



Have a look at the image below and write a story based on the image. How does it make you feel? What is the setting like? What events might take place there and who are your main characters? Write as creatively as you can - use your imagination! Try to include lots of features you have learnt over the course of this year and think carefully about your spelling, presentation and grammar. I look forward to reading it! 



The class have PE with Tony at school today, so it would be a good time for you to do some exercise too! Try a dance video on YouTube, take part in some Yoga or play a game against your grown ups! Try and get outside if you can - a walk in the fresh air is brilliant for the mind. 
