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WC 1/3/22


For your starter I would like you to complete the mental arithmetic and then the drawing 2D shapes starter sheet. We have been focusing on 2D shapes this week and today we are looking at lines of symmetry. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet



For your starter, I would like you to complete the reading comprehension based on rainforests. I would then like you to open the powerpoint and view task week 20 day 2. These words are irregular which means they do not follow the normal spelling pattern. I would like you to think of how you could remember how to spell these words? I would then like you to complete the look, cover, write, say and check sheet. Remember to say the word first, cover and spell it, check it and then you can put the words into a story.



We have been looking at the Pirates Next Door so far. First watch Johnny Duddle read the story up to page 16 . Your tasks and explanations are on the powerpoint for this lesson. 


Collective Worship:

Please have a look with a grown up and read through the collective worship today.



Today we are learning about the Spring season as it is fast approaching. I would like you to look at the PowerPoint and create a mindmap all about spring. You can draw pictures that symbolise this season, such as chicks hatching.

Wednesday 2nd March:


Today we normally have PE so I would like you to complete a Joe Wicks workout on YouTube.



For Maths we are looking at drawing lines of symmetry as a whole today. Can you please complete the mental arithmetic first and then watch the video and complete the worksheet



We are continuing to look at the Pirates Next Door today. Have a look at the PowerPoint and complete the diary entry task. Use resource 4a to support your writing. 



Today we are learning about Blackbeard! Have a look at the PowerPoint and notice the interesting facts. I would like you to complete a poster all about the famous Blackbeard! You can draw a picture of him and write the facts underneath.



Today we are looking at using apostrophes for possession. Have a look at the attached powerpoint and complete the different activities.


Today is World Book Day!


For computing, I would like you to go on Purple Mash and complete the 2do which is to create your own story about your character. What could happen in your story? Remember you need a beginning, middle and end.



Today we are focusing on sorting 2D shapes. I would like you to complete the mental arithmetic and then watch the video and complete the worksheet



Today we normally do PE so I would like you to complete a Joe Wicks workout or Cosmic yoga activity.


World book day topic:

I have attached a range of activities for you to complete about World Book Day. You can complete character descriptions, character selfies etc.

Friday 4th March



Today we are focusing on how to complete reading comprehension tasks today. I would like you to complete the reading comprehension attached and complete the tasks on the powerpoint.



Today we are going to look at making patterns with 2D shapes. Firstly I would like you to complete the mental arithmetic. Then, I would like you to watch the video and complete the worksheet.



Today we are continuing to look at the Pirates Next Door. Have a recap of the story by watching the video and then open the powerpoint. Today's task is a character description. I would like you to complete the tasks on the powerpoint. You can use the resources to help which are labelled on the file as: 5a, 5b and 5c.



Today I would like you to complete the tasks set on Purple Mash all about pirates.


Golden time:

Today we have Golden time. I would like you to complete something fun such as colouring or watching a film.
