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Friday 23rd September 2022

Homework set- 23rd September 2022

Homework due- 28th September 2022 by 4pm. 


Hello Welbeck Class, Parents and Carers,


This week we started our topic World War Two and it was lovely to see the children so enthusiastic about their learning. We have started to learn about the outbreak of war and could order events chronologically. 




This week we have been continuing to read our class book Friend or Foe and have started to create character descriptions based on Mr Reynolds. For homework, I would like the children to choose a character from a book that they have read and write a character description about them. Please encourage the children to use adjectives, similes and noun phrases. 




Spellings are tested every Friday. This weeks spellings are:

accompany, average, conscience, develop, explanation, immediately, necessary, privilege, rhythm, symbol. 


Remember the children have access to spelling shed where they are able to practice their spellings each week. If they need a reminder of their log in details please let me know.




It has been fantastic to see so many children reading at least three times a week with an adult at home. Reading diaries are checked every Monday and books can be changed then.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me,


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Tomlinson 
