In our maths lessons at school, we always start them by completing Fluent in Five and Rapid Reasoning tasks. Each task should be timed for 5 minutes. This is to practice any methods they have learnt throughout the year.
This week in maths, we are learning about Multiplication and Division.
For our maths lesson today, we will be continuing to learn how to divide 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. However, today we will be learning about reminders as well.
Please watch the video and have a go at the worksheets.
For our English lesson today, we will be writing a cold write.
A cold write is where the children are given a style of writing to complete without any help. We then base our lessons around that style and the features. before completing a big write in a couple of weeks. This is to see what the children already know.
For your cold write today, I would like you to write a newspaper report. This can be about anything you choose.
For our EGPS lesson, we are going to be learning about plurals. Today, will be our last lesson on plurals. Please follow the video. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.
Please choose one activity to complete.
Cosmic Yoga
Joe Wicks
Dance with Oti Mabuse
BBC Super Movers
In our Art lesson today, we are going to learn about an artist called Gaudi. He was a Spanish artist who created a lot of interesting mosaics. Please read the PowerPoint to learn about Gaudi and then use the worksheet to create your own mosaic self portrait.