Hello Thoresby,
I hope everyone is still OK and keeping safe.
I have seen some fantastic pieces of work on Purple Mash this week - well done everyone.
I have put this week's topic activities here - remember to keep emailing your pictures into school for us to see which tasks you have completed.
Please also check the Weekly English and Maths activities.
Have a good week everyone!
Have a look here for this week's topic tasks.
Over the next 5 days, I would like you to write a story, this can be any style of your choice.
Aim to write a chapter per day.
Chapter 1 - An introduction, introduce your main characters and setting and set the scene.
Chapter 2 - Build up to the main event in your story.
Chapter 3 - Think of a main event or problem for your characters to solve.
Chapter 4 - How do your characters solve the problem?
Chapter 5 - An ending for your story.
Try to include our word of the week if you can!
Ravenous adjective
Extremely hungry.
"I'd been out all day and was ravenous"
Grimm & Co are in the process of launching a range of writing activities for children to take part in during the home learning period. These writing sessions will range from short-burst weekly writing exercises to longer writing projects. They will also be providing activities and step-by-step instructions as well as videos to help the children complete the tasks. They will be adding different activities each week. The website below will take you directly to their website.
This week I would like you to look at the daily lessons from one of the following:
BBC Bitesize Daily lessons
White Rose Activities
The Oak National Academy
All of these sites have produced really good lessons that are clear and easy to follow for the Year 4 curriculum - choose which ever one works best for you.
This week please could you practise the following words:
If you would like some additional RE resources, the following link has a range of activities that are appropriate for KS2 children.