This week in Maths we have been learning about percentages. We have been learning to find a percentage of a number and we have been converting fractions and decimals to percentages. I have been extremely impressed with the children's hard work this week in Maths and how quickly they have grasped how to change fractions to percentages and vice versa. We have also been continuing to work hard on our arithmetic and times tables.
In English we have started reading our new class book 'Cosmic'. We have found the book very funny and we have been having lots of class discussions about Liam's journey to space, his relationships with other characters and issues we think he might have in his life. The children created a diary entry from the perspective of Liam and have thought about the pros and cons of visiting space.
This week we had our first session of DARE with Officer Cable. We learnt about what DARE means and have started to learn about alcohol and the impact that it has on their body.
We have started our new class topic 'Space'. We used a tutorial to practise drawing the planets. We used compasses and we spoke about the different size of the planets and the distance between them and the sun.