Dear Children and Parents,
Welcome to Thoresby Class for the school year 2016-2017. I am Mr Guest, the class teacher for year 3 and year 4. I am excited to teach you this year and look forward to getting to know you all! Within our class we have lots of fantastic staff who will support our learning. Miss Denyer and Mrs Green will be supporting us across the week and helping us explore the interesting topics which we have planned.
During our first term together we will cover a range of exciting topics. Our topic for the first half term is “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Within this topic we will be writing our own stories about Charlie and his journey into the Chocolate Factory, investigating how chocolate is made and designing chocolate bar wrappers for our very own chocolate! In the second half of the term we will investigate the Titanic and write newspaper reports on her first voyage!
Other great topics which we will cover across the year are: “All creatures great and small,” “Planes, trains and automobile,” “Groovy Greeks” and “Ruthless Romans.”
In addition to our topic work we will explore religious concepts such as spiritual expression, festivals and celebrations and many more topics that will help develop our understanding of our world and the people who live in it. In Computing Mrs Cushing will help us understand how to navigate the internet safely and code our own programmes and games!
Our class PE days are on Monday and Thursday. Some of these lessons will take place outside so children should have appropriate clothing in their school PE kit. It is recommended that children have their PE kit in school all week.
Homework for Thoresby class will be given out on Friday and collected on Wednesday.
Children are expected to read at least three times each week. This practise plays a key role in developing children’s reading skills and fostering a love for reading. Asking your child questions about the book they have read can be a fun and exciting way to explore a story and develop your child’s understanding.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me within school and I will be more than happy to help. I look forward to working with you throughout the year.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Guest
You can find out more about what we have been learning by visiting our blog page.