This week we have started learning about decimals. We have learnt about the place value of digits after the decimal point up to thousandths and have started to round decimals to two decimal points. We have also started to learn how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 and have started to explain what happens to the number when we multiply.
This week we have started our new class book 'Running on the Roof of the World' by Jess Butterworth which is set in Tibet. We have learnt about the main characters Sam and Tash and what life is like in their village. This week we have been researching Tibet and the geographical features and have started to write a information leaflet about the country, people, landmarks and religion.
On Friday we had our first DART lesson with Mrs Swithenbank, our DART officer, and the children really enjoyed the session. The first session was an opportunity for the children to get to know Mrs Swithenbank as well as start to learn about the DART objectives. We started this session learning about the effects of drugs and alcohol and started to learn about relevant laws.
We have started to learn about our new topic of Rainforests. We have identified on a world map about the location of the rainforests and have discussed why rainforests are always located near the equator.