We were lucky enough to receive a special gift voucher from Mrs Dunn which came with a note, telling us we had to use the money on the voucher to make a positive change within the community. Challenge accepted...
Step 1 - The Decision
We first had to decide what we were going to spend our voucher on. We discussed the British Value of Democracy, and decided that this would be the fairest way to decide. We came up with a range of ideas from classroom resources to bean bags or sports equipment, but along with these was the suggestion to help the wildlife in our playground. We took a vote, with the idea that had the most votes becoming the winner. It was the wildlife support! So, as we already have a bird table in our playground, we had to generate some new ideas. We browsed online together and found a butterfly house and a hedgehog house. As we then had a little bit of money left, we bought some bird food and some hedgehog food.
Step 2 - The Lesson
Following on from our planning, once the items had arrived, we spent some time thinking about how we had got to this point and what we were aiming to achieve by purchasing the items we did. Then, we made our habitat helper hats to wear whilst we were helping the wildlife! These looked fantastic. We went out into the school field and placed our new items around the playground and Nigel attached our butterfly house to a tree (thank you, Nigel!) before we added food to the existing bird house. We marched along the playground and sung habitat songs too!
Step 3 - The Follow-Up
We know that we are going to have to keep an eye on our new houses and ensure that the food is available for the new wildlife we may attract. We will continue to check them and report back with updates!
Thank you Mrs Dunn for providing us with this wonderful opportunity