Please find today's arithmetic mini test attached. Do as many as you can and see if you can beat last week's score. Remember to use all the skills we have learnt so far and practised this week.
Today we are continuing our work on division and will be using the bus stop method to divide numbers with a remainder.
Please watch the screen recording on the PowerPoint and then have a go at the questions.
For GPS today, please ask an adult to test you on your spellings. Let me know how you got on.
For today's Big Write,
I would like you to imagine you have been on holiday to Egypt and seen the Great Pyramids at Giza.
Write a letter to a friend or family member to describe your holiday and what you have visited.
Think about:
The features of a letter, what we need to include to show it is a letter we are writing.
Writing in first person (using I) remember this is your point of view.
The journey to Egypt - how did you get there, what was it like?
Where did you stay?
The visit to the pyramids - what did you see? How did you feel? What have you learnt about it?
(Yesterday's topic work will help with this!)
What you thought about seeing the Pyramids.
Remember to write in full paragraphs and use all the different types of sentences and punctuation we have worked on this year.
For PSHE today we will be looking at the benefits and problems with social media and its use.
Please read the information on the presentation and complete the task attached.