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15th March


In Maths today, we are looking at counting edges. Firstly, lets recap the properties of 3D shapes we have already looked at. We have looked at faces. What do faces mean on a 3D shape? Can you remember how many faces a cuboid or cube have?  I would like you to watch this video to recap 3D shapes . Then I would like you to watch the White Rose video complete the worksheet afterwards. As an extention, you can complete the activity. You need to search around your house for objects and count the edges. 


For Literacy, we are looking at describing Peter Pan. To do this we are going to use similes and adjectives. Can you remember what an adjective is? We have been looking at these for the past week. Now we are moving on to similes. Have a look at the Power Point and complete. Then I would like you to create a word bank of similes and adjectives to describe Peter Pan. Complete the describing sheet.


For E.G.P.S we are looking at the homophones they're, their and there. Watch this song . Can you remember the rule for each word? Have a look at the Power Point and complete the worksheet. Can you fill in the answers correctly?


For Geography, we are looking at how to use an atlas. What do you already know about an atlas? Have a look at the Power Point and complete the activities. 


In Maths today, we are looking at vertices, edges and faces. We are combining our learning with 3D shapes into one lesson. First, I would like you to complete the mental arithmetic. I would then like you to complete the 3D shape properties quiz on this group. Vertices are corners. I would like you to look around your house and find 3d shapes. How many vertices, edges and faces do the shapes have? 


For Literacy, we are going to be designing our own Never Land! I would like you to design first on a scrap piece of paper. What will you include? a place for the pirates, a mermaid lagoon etc? I would like you to label this. Then, I would like you to complete this on a bigger sheet of paper like a map. You can use different materials to make it vibrant and colourful.


For EGPS, we are going to start looking at conjunctions. I would like you to complete the activities on this link


For spellings, I would like you to practise putting the spellings into sentences. Remember the different meanings for the different homophones. 


For topic, I would like you to visit some places in the UK on Google Earth. Which places did you look for in the atlas? London? Manchester? Have a look and write some notes about each place. I would like you to pick five. 
