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Wednesday 2nd



Please continue to log on to Times Tables Rockstars and practise all of your times tables. You need to confidently know all of your times tables up to 12 x 12.


Today we are going to be learning to multiply two fractions together. Remember you multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators. 


Use the video link below to help you. Then work through the PowerPoint. Once you are feeling confident try the questions. 


Video link: 





In English I would like you to work through the PowerPoint about clauses. Recap on what a clause is and then write a list of sentences including clauses. 


Then I would like you to look at the two extracts on the Microsoft Word document and look at the features. Then I would like you to complete the following comprehension questions. 



Why is Skateboarding so Popular?


Why is this text written in present tense?


How are bullet points used? Is it effective?


How many skateboarders are there worldwide?


What causal language can you find?


Pick a paragraph. What could its subheading be?


Does the image help the reader? Explain why you think this.



Last week we started looking at all of the countries that speak Spanish. Can you identify these countries on a map? Look at the PowerPoint and try to test yourself.


Then look through the PowerPoint on Spanish numbers. Can you remember them all? Can you write a rhyme about these numbers?
