Rule- Words with endings that sound like shuhl after a consonant letter.
Can you write each word into a sentence?
Today we are going to be developing our understanding of different word choices. We are going to be recapping on synonyms.
Starting Activity- Complete the mental arithmetic questions. Set yourself a timer of 10 minutes and try to complete as many questions as you can during that time.
Main Activity- Yesterday we learned how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Today, I would like you to apply the knowledge to answer the word problems.
Things to remember:
Yesterday, your task was to write headlines for different photographs taken in the Victorian era. Today, I would like you to choose one of the photographs and answer (in detail) the 5 W's.
- Who? Who are they? How old are they?
- What? What is happening in the picture? What could the story be?
- Where? Where is the picture taken? What is happening around that picture?
- When? When is this happening? What time of day?
- Why? Why is this picture so important?
Before the holidays we started learning about Victorian toy theatres. You were asked to draw your design and label the different features. I saw some fantastic designs and I cannot wait to see what you create over the next couple of weeks.
Today you are going to be creating your theatre outer structure. You are just focusing on creating the shape of your theatre. You might choose to use a cardboard box and cut this to the shape that you want. Please do not decorate it or add anything else yet.
Normally, on a Wednesday afternoon you would have P.E. with Tony. Today, you could choose to follow one of the links below or take part in some exercise in your garden or around the village. You could play football with a sibling, play on the trampoline or go for a walk/run/bike ride with an adult.