For Literacy, we are going to be looking at diary entries. We will eventually be writing our own. We are going to imagine we are a diver in the Great Barrier Reef. I would like you to talk with a partner/grown up about what animals you might see. For example, you might see a dolphin. I would like you to research your creatures appearance, behaviour and think about how you as a diver might interact with this animal. To really get a sense of what your sea creature is like make sure you see lots of clips of them in action.
For example, in my diary entry I am going to meet some seals and a dolphin. I am going to go on an adventure with them in the Great Barrier Reef and I'm going to play with them too. In order for me to be confident about the sea creatures I'm writing about, I'm going to research them using Google. I'm then going to watch some short youtube videos to see how they move through the water etc. - video about seals - Video about dolphins Another video about dolphins - video about seals
After this, I'm going to complete my research sheet using the videos to help me.
In EGPS today we are going to focus on our spellings for this week. All of our spellings are spelt with 'ey' on the end and they sound as a 'ee'. Look at the Power Point and complete the activities.
As our topic is Under the Sea, I would like you to complete the reading comprehension all about Octopuses. You can choose the difficulty level. It ranges from 1-3, maybe you would like to challenge yourself! If so, complete the three star one (shown at the bottom of the page).