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Rufford Class

Hello and Welcome to Rufford Class!

Welcome back to the first half term of this school year, I hope you have had a lovely summer break. This year Miss White, Mrs Wood and Mrs Bellamy will be teaching in Rufford Class and we are looking forward to welcoming you all back and the exciting Summer that we have planned!

The children have chosen their topics this year, they are:
Autumn term 1: The world outside – where have we been on holiday and what is the world around us like?
Autumn 2: Lets Celebrate! – Bonfire night, Christmas, Nativity and celebrations/festivals from all around the world.
Spring 1: Monsters and Aliens – What do we think monsters and aliens would look like?
Spring 2: The wild and all things creepy crawly – All things bug, beetle and worm-Like can we find out about some of the more deadly insects which live in other countries?
Summer 1: Space- The planets and the solar system – What is really out there?
Summer 2: Charlie and the chocolate factory – Designing our own chocolate bar, What would you like yours to look and taste like?

P.E is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week, please ensure that P.E kits are in schools on these days. It is a good idea to try and keep a PE kit in school all week. Children can keep these on their pegs in the cloakroom.


Each child will be given a take home reading book and reading record.  When they have read with an adult at home please can an adult write in their reading record with the date, book title and any comments about their reading. Once we have seen evidence that your child has read the book at home, we can change their reading book. Children’s books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. When your child’s take home book needs changing they should let their teacher know in the morning, who will do their best to change books at lunchtime or at the end of the day.  When reading with your child please try to ask them questions about the book they have read, comprehension skills are very important especially for Year 2 end of year SATs.
Children all have a log in for ‘Bug Club’ where they can access online books and resources:  Please let me know if your child has lost or requires a log in for this.
Race to Read will take place again this year. When your child has read 3 times or more in a week, their car will move one stop around the race track in the classroom. Once they have completed the race track, your child will receive a certificate in assembly. Further information about Race to Read can be found on the school website.
Phonics sessions will take place daily and children are carefully grouped into the phase of phonics they are working at. These sessions concentrate on learning letters, sounds and the spelling and reading of high frequency words.
Children will have the opportunity to read every week with an adult in school as part of a guided reading group.


Please can children bring in an old shirt from home for art sessions so we don’t have to worry about getting our uniforms dirty and can enjoy getting creative with paint and glue. This term as part of our topic we will be making our own model habitat so any spare shoe boxes and materials from home would be a great help, thank you in advance!

Children will each have a homework book, from next week, which will have a homework sheet in it for each week. Homework will be set on a Friday and will be collected in the following Wednesday.  Children will also be given spellings to learn at home for the week. Please support your child, where possible, in completing their homework as it will support their learning in school.

Toys from home
Please try and keep toys at home, unless you have been asked to bring something in for show and tell. Children will be told when it is their turn and asked to bring something in that is special to them and that they would like to share with the rest of the class.

Parent/Carer information board
There is a parent/carer information board is situated in the cloakroom. This displays information about what children are learning about and includes spare newsletters and homework sheets. 
We hope this letter addresses any queries or concerns you have but please do not hesitate to approach us with any queries,
If anyone different will be collecting your child at the end of the day please let us know that morning or ring the school office.

I'm looking forward to the exciting year ahead!
Miss White and Mrs Wood
