Please have a go at todays arithmetic task. You may take as long as you need on the questions.
Today in maths, we will be continuing with the method we learnt yesterday: column multiplication with exchange.
I have modelled this method for the children. Please re-watch my teaching video to remind you of the method.
Once you have watched the video, please have a go at the questions using this method. Please choose 1 column to complete. Bronze being the easiest and gold being the hardest.
For our English lesson today, we are going to use our plan from yesterday and write the ending to Pandora's Box. You will need to included expanded noun phrases, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, speech and exciting sentence starters.
I am aware that some children wrote their story yesterday. Please will your child re-read their work and add in extra adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and speech to make your story even better!
Today in science, we will be learning all about the different types of skeletons.
What is a skeleton? Which living things have skeleton?
Please follow the PowerPoint to learn all about skeletons. There are 3 types of skeletons. Can you tell me what they are?
After you have read the PowerPoint, please have a go at activity.
In EGPS, we are now going to look at sentence types. Today, we will be recapping simple sentences.
Please follow the video for this lesson:
It is a very interactive lesson. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Please follow the video and have a go at all the different activities.
Remember to practice your spellings.