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Sherwood Class

Sports Day

On Tuesday afternoon, we all went out for our races. 

Everyone took part in a running race, a skipping race and an egg and spoon race. 

We have been discussing the Olympic Games as part of our topic learning and we were able to explain the Olympic values and how we could show them in our own competitions. 

Have a look at some photos from the event. 

Thy Kingdom Come

On Friday, to celebrate Pentecost, we took part in the Thy Kingdom Come event at school. 

As a class, we visited the school prayer garden and discussed things that are happening at the moment at school, in the wider world and in our own lives that we would like to say a prayer for. 

Back in the classroom, we wrote our class prayer. Have a look at the ideas we came up with as well as our finished prayer. 

Free sessions


As part of our membership to the School Games sports package, we have been sent a variety of links to some free sessions that children may like to attend. The session subjects vary and are aimed at children between 8 and 16. If you wish to attend any of the sessions you need to sign up via the link below. 


The sessions are:


  • Tuesday – Online Well Being Workshop - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Wednesday – Lockdown Fitness – 4pm to 5pm
  • Thursday – Female Only HIIT Session 7pm to 8pm
  • Friday – Unit 03 Music Production Session 4pm to 5pm
  • Friday – Family Football Quiz – 6pm to 7pm


The sign up link is: 

Fantastic RE Home learning

In RE this week we have looked at the story of Moses. We have re-told the story in our own words and Sherwood Class have produced some fantastic and creative pieces. Have a look!

Christmas Performance

Still image for this video
Sherwood class have really enjoyed completing our Christmas activities over the last couple of weeks. For our performance, we have each written a Haiku poem that tells part of the nativity story. We have read this together for you to share at home.
A higher quality version can be found on our school podcasting site:

Polar Explorers

This week during home learning, members of Sherwood class have started looking at some different Polar explorers. I am receiving some fantastic biographies about Earnest Shackleton. Take a look at some of our work here.

Life in the Arctic Cirlce

During home learning this week, members of Sherwood Class have researched and completed fact files about how people have adapted to life in the Arctic. These are excellent and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them. Have a look at some of our reports here. 

Remembrance Day

Members of Sherwood class have worked really hard to celebrate Remembrance at home this year. As well as producing poppies for the Church display, I have received some fantastic poems and images of crafts completed during home learning. Have a look at some of each other's fantastic work. 

Bug Club Reading

All the children now have a selection of reading books allocated to them on Bug Club. We would like them to work through these around 1 book per week. I will be able to check each Friday what the children have been reading and complete their bookmarks. Where the books offer a quiz at the end, please have a go at these as it will help practise our comprehension skills. 

The Bug Club can be accessed through the ActiveLearn website at: 

The children will all be bringing their individual login details home. 

Please let me know if you have any issues logging in or accessing the reading. 


Additionally, I will be sending a further chapter of our class book home this week. We will go over the chapter together in class next week. 


The Ice Age

This week we have started looking at our new topic of The Ice Age. We have looked at the Polar regions and where they are on the globe as well as the features of a polar climate. On Thursday, we looked at the Last Ice Age that covered the UK and completed some Then and Now sketches to show the similarities and differences in the landscape.

Harvest Festival

The children have worked really hard over the last couple of weeks producing poems and artwork linked to harvest. The poems were written on the theme of 'How nature helps the harvest' and the children enjoyed learning about farming techniques from each other. We used autumn colours from the school grounds to inspire our artwork and have produced some lovely watercolours. Well done to the whole class, you have worked fantastically!

Terrific Tudor Artwork

This week we have looked at Tudor fashion in our History lesson and have begun to sketch elements of Tudor houses in Art and DT. The children have really enjoyed looking at the historical designs and have produced some careful sketches and detailed portraits. Have a look at some of our fantastic portraits of Queen Elizabeth I. 


Fabulous First Week 

Sherwood Class have really enjoyed our first week of lessons. 

We have particularly enjoyed beginning to read our class novel, Spy Master and are really excited to continue this in our English lessons next week! 

We have learnt a lot about the early Tudor times; including The Battle of Bosworth and King Henry VII. 


On Monday morning, we will have a box available for you to return any school reading books that you may have at home. The children will not need to return their previous reading diaries. 


Have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Hunter


Dear Children and Parents,
      Welcome to Sherwood Class, I hope you are all looking forward to the new year and returning to school. I am looking forward to teaching you all again this year and I am sure we are going to have fun and enjoy all the different topics and learning we will achieve together. 


Our first topic will be The Tudors where we will learn all about the different Monarchs that reigned over Britain during this time as well as people’s way of life during this period of history.


Over the course of the year, we will also be exploring The Ice Age, Ancient Egypt, Safari’s and Ancient Greece. Each topic will have a learning overview that will be shared with parents.


Reading Books

For the first couple of weeks reading books will not be given out to the children, as this will allow staff time to prepare reading books and diaries. Books will be changed weekly and returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before given to another child. Please do not return any reading books that you have at home to school until you are asked to do so.


Homework and Spellings

Similar to reading books, homework and spelling books will be introduced later on in the first autumn term. Homework will be given out to the children on a Friday and the hand in date will be the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on work that the children have been doing in class. We will always include information about the children’s Big Write task on the homework letter so they are able to prepare at home. Spelling tests will take place on a Friday and children are encouraged to practise their spellings throughout the week at home to prepare.



P.E. lessons will continue with Tony on a Wednesday.  You should come to school wearing the appropriate sports clothing for P.E. You do not need to bring your uniform. 


Please can I ask for pencil cases and other personal items to be left at home for this next academic year so that this limits any risk of belongings being lost or damaged. All equipment needed will be provided by school.

If you or your child have any questions or concerns about the school year, please feel free to contact me via email or phone through the school office.


I look forward to working with you all this year.

Miss Hunter.
