Today we are going to be learning how to calculate a fraction of a quantity. Have a look at my teaching video below and then try out the questions for yourself. As always, if you need anything you know where I am!
Remind yourself of the features we usually find within persuasive writing. Then, choose one of the images below and write a sentence for each of the 8 features that are on the PowerPoint. This task will make you think about how you can include these features within your own writing. You might choose to use a selection of images, so write a sentence for group of three relating to one image and then another sentence for emotive language for another image. You can choose how to present your ideas!
Have a look on Purple Mash and choose some activities to do from the selection of 2Dos that are there. These tasks correspond with what we are working on during the week so they will help you consolidate your learning and see if there are any topics you need further support on.
This week's reading task is to log on to Bug Club and have a read of your books on there. Don't forget to discuss what you have read with a grown up! Try and make some inferences about different characters or summarise what you have read.