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Friday 24th March 2023

Hello Welbeck Class, Parents and Carers,


The children have worked incredibly hard this week practising for Superstan. I know they are looking forward to performing for you on Wednesday and Thursday.



This weeks homework is to complete the comprehension that was given to the children in Friday. This homework can be handed in to me during the week. 



Reading diaries and books should be brought into school on a daily basis. Please continue to encourage your children to read at least three times a week at home. 



This weeks spellings are: antisocial, official, superficial, special, artificial, social, racial, crucial, facial, beneficial.  



Some parents have asked about the dates for the SATs tests. These tests are due to take place between Tuesday 9th May-Friday 12th May. Further information will be shared closer to the time. 


Booster Club

Booster club on Wednesday 29th March is cancelled due to the performance that evening. The next club will be on Wednesday 19th April 2023. 


Acorn Theatre

Please remember that on Monday and Tuesday we will be at the theatre. If your child has booked on the coach, they will leave school at 8:45am and will return at 3:00pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink, preferably two. 


DAaRT Graduation

The children have now completed their DAaRT programme and will be graduating on Tuesday 25th April at 2:00pm. If you would like to attend the graduation, please let me know either in person or by email before Monday 24th April. 


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Tomlinson 
