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Friday 9th October

Dear Parents/ Carers


Thank you for all of your support over the last couple of weeks. Homework will start to be sent online, sometimes on Purple Mash and other times on the school website. I will keep you all updated over Marvellous Me and direct you to the homework for the week. I will also send home the children's login details for Purple Mash in case anyone has lost or forgotten theirs. 


Please email completed homework to

I have also given the children a copy of Chapter 23 from Spy Master to read at home this week. 


Please continue to encourage your child to log on and access books on Bug Club weekly. This will be very beneficial to your child's learning. They also have access to Times Tables Rockstars, for which I will also send home the logins. 


If you are struggling to access any of the work please let me know. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Hunter



Homework 9th October


Big Write

For big write on Friday, I would like you to write your own ending to Spy Master. 

Think about the story so far and how you would choose to end it if you were the author. 

What would happen to each main character?


Maths homework is attached below, this can be emailed to our class address given above and is due on the 14th October.
