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W.C 4/10/21

Wednesday 6th October:

Maths- Year 1:

In Maths today we are looking at starting to use a part whole model. Follow the White Rose video and complete the sheet. If you would like a challenge, I would like you to draw your own part whole models with numbers. For example, you could have 20 at the top. Then think about the two different numbers you can together to get to 20. 



Maths- Year 2:

In Maths today, we are looking at counting in 5's. Follow the White Rose video and complete the sheet. If you would like a challenge, I would like you to complete the extension sheet where you are using multiplication and division. Division is where you are working out how many times that number goes into the other number. For example, 45 divided by 5. Count in 5's using your fingers up to 45. The amount of fingers you have is the amount of times 5 goes into that number.


Phonics- Year 1 and 2

Today we are focusing on the 'au' sound. Can you think of any words that have this sound in? Have a look at the powerpoint and pronounce the words to a grown up. Once you have completed that, I would like you to choose five words and put these into sentences. Then check afterwards with a grown up if you got them correct!


Literacy- Year 1 and 2

Today in Literacy we are going to be completing our Big Write. Today I would like your Big Write to be about a T-Rex. We have done lots of learning about stories and we even wrote our own about meeting our imaginary dinosaur! Now we are applying our knowledge to our Big Write. Have a think and brain storm before what could happen in your story. You are going to meet a T-Rex, but where? Are you going to be transported into a time machine? Are you going to jump into a virtual dino land? Remember the story needs a beginning, middle and end. In the middle, you need a problem. Will another dinosaur try and take over?


Topic- Year 1 and 2

For topic, we are focusing on the history of a T-Rex. Have a look at the PowerPoint and video. Then complete the sheet. You can use the internet to help research facts.

Thursday 7th October:


For computing, we are going to be looking at London and writing a story about our time. Have a look at the PowerPoint and watch the video I would like you to complete the 2do on Purple Mash where you are asked to write a story about visiting London. If you have not visited London before I would like you to use your imagination. For example you could draw you and your family at the London Eye.


Maths- Year 1 :

Today we are continuing to look at part whole models. We are going to be using counters now. Watch the video and complete the worksheet


Maths- Year 2:

Today we are counting in 3's! We have been looking at our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Now we are moving on to our three times tables. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet.

Friday 8th October:


In Phonics we are looking at the 'or' sound spelt as 'al' today. Have a look at Geraldine the Giraffe's video based on this sound Can you pronounce this sound? Can you think of any words with this sound in? For example, call. I would like you to practise writing five sentences with the or as 'al' sound on a piece of paper. Can you maybe put two words in the sentence with this sound as a challenge?


Maths- Year 1:

Today we are continuing to looking at the addition symbol today and what it means. Watch the video and complete the worksheet. Complete the orange worksheet as an extension.


Maths- Year 2:

Today we are looking at number bonds to 20. Number bonds to 20 mean numbers that add to 20. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet.



We are going to be looking at letter writing. Today we are going to be completing a cold write. I would like you to write a letter to a family member or  a friend about a fun day you have had. For example, going to a theme park or a zoo. A cold write is to see where children are at with regards to this topic so no help should be given. The children then complete a big write weeks later where children will have received support and learning about the writing element, for example letters.



In Science we have been looking at healthy foods. We even had a tasting session at school a few weeks ago! Have a look on Purple Mash for the task to complete.
