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Maths - Starter


In our maths lessons at school, we always start them by completing Fluent in Five and Rapid Reasoning tasks. Each task should be timed for 5 minutes. This is to practice any methods they have learnt throughout the year. 



This week in maths, we are learning about Multiplication and Division.


For our maths lesson today, we will be continuing to learn how to divide 2 digit by 1 digit numbers.


Please watch the video and have a go at the worksheets.





For our English lesson today, we will be reading more of our class story, Escape from Pompeii. I would like you to read up to page 7 please.


Today, we will be thinking about the advice we could give to Tranio and Livia as they don't seem to be taking the situation seriously. We need to think about what they should do now! Think about the advice you could give them if the tremors start again. Where could they go? What could they do? Is it safe to stay in Pompeii?


I would like you to write a short informal letter to Tranio and Livia to give them advice incase the tremors start again.


Here is an example:


Dear Tranio and Livia,

You do not seem to be taking the situation seriously so I felt I should write to give you some advice. If you listen to Tranio’s father, then you may be in danger. This is serious! The volcano might be erupting and you must save yourselves. If you want to live, you should leave your belongings behind and run away from the quivering buildings. When you are at a safe distance away, you could hide under something solid. You could even go on a boat in the bay!



For our EGPS lesson, we are going to be learning about plurals. Today, we are going to be practicing and applying our knowledge of plurals. Please follow the video. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.



For our computing lesson, we are going to be using the knowledge we learnt yesterday about Volcanoes and creating a fact file on purple mash. You can use your research from yesterday's geography lesson or/and research more interesting facts today. You can also include pictures of volcanoes! 


Try to think about the features of a volcano, how a volcano erupts, famous volcanoes and igneous rocks.


Extension: you may have a go at the volcano quiz. 


All the tasks are set as a 2Do.



Today in our PSHE lesson, we will be learning all about the 'Rule of Law'. Please watch the BBC video:


After, I would like you to go through the PowerPoint. You could even ask your parents/ carers if they understand the 'Rule of Law' and what they know about it.


Please have a go at the worksheet too.
