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For Maths today, we will be continuing with our new topic: Shape. Please think about what you can remember about shapes.


Today, we are focusing on 2D shapes. You will need a ruler. Please use the powerpoint. You will need to measure the different shapes in cm using your ruler. Once you have measured them, please have a go at drawing them on a spare piece of paper.



For your English work today, you will be completing a comprehension about a winter poem. Please follow the PowerPoint. Once you have, read the poem and then answer the questions.


Religious Education


For RE, we will be reading the beginning of the Nativity. Please follow the PowerPoint for the story. Once you have completed the PowerPoint, please create your own puppets of Mary, Joseph and Angel Gabriel. Use the puppets to retell the beginning of the Nativity. 





In EGPS, we are learning about articles. An article is using 'a' or 'an' before a noun. Please read the PowerPoint to identify the difference between 'a' and 'an'. On the PowerPoint, their is a quiz. Please have a go at it. Afterward, please complete the worksheet that links to the PowerPoint.
