Hello Rufford Class,
I hope everyone is safe and well. I have seen lots of fantastic work on Purple Mash and that you are still practising your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars. You should all be so proud of yourselves with how hard you are working at home.
It has been lovely to see photos of some of the excellent pieces of work you have been completing at home. I have been adding some of the photos onto the gallery section of the school website. Please keep emailing your photos to the school office email address.
Stay safe,
Miss Marsh.
Natre is a website where you will find free resources and activities to complete during this home learning period. It covers a range of aspects relating to Religious Education and has lots of fun activities for the children to do.
White Rose Hub have created a home learning section which includes 5 maths lessons. The children can watch the 5 minute video explaining the task and then complete the work sheet. They are providing 5 lessons per week which follows the Year 2 curriculum.
BBC Bitesize have created daily lessons for the children to do which follow the Year 2 curriculum.
This week I would like you to watch this video from Literacy shed - > https://www.literacyshed.com/bubbles.html. It is all about Gabby who is walking on the beach and finds a bottle of bubbles - when she blows it she gets transported into fantasy. She has fun riding on bubbles and meets people and things on her way.
For this week I would like to you retell the story of this video:
Monday- plan what is going to happen in your retell of this story. Remember to include an introduction, problem and ending.
Tuesday- create a storyboard about your story. Remember to draw pictures and to describe what is happening underneath! We have done lots of these in class.
Wednesday- Write your introduction to your story. Remember, you can change the characters, you could even include yourself as the main character! Introduce the main characters and the setting. Are you going to be on a beach or at home?
Thursday- Write the problem to your story. What problems are you going to face? Are you going to run out of bubbles? Are you going to discover some magical bubbles?
Friday- Write the ending to your story. Really describe what happens and how you character is feeling at the end of the story.